Romeo and Juliet escape from the garden and go to the house of Fray Lorenzo to be married. Romeo: We will marry my beloved, come, let's go now, my friend Fray Lorenzo will marry us, and we will flee! Juliet: Oh Romeo, where you've been all this eternal time, you're the gardener I need in my garden! But how will we be together? Romeo: My beloved Juliet, I have secretly loved you since the beginning of our days, our families seem destined to quarrels, but you and I are destined to our eternal love! Juliet runs to the garden, Romeo sees her and tries to get into the garden too, and that's where he sees her. The Count Paris, Juliet and the Capulets take shelter in their house out of danger. Narrator: Teobald fights with Mercury, and finally kills him with his saber, Romeo seeing this, says goodbye to his great friend, swears immediate revenge and takes his sword, begins to fight with Theobald, managing to kill him instantly. Mercury (Running quickly to cover Romeo, also draws his saber). Teobald (Going quickly to Romeo and draws his saber): You're not the one to mess with the Count, much less who to fall in love with my cousin Juliet. Romeo (Annoyed): You're not a good man for her, you're not her true love, there's only interest among their families! Narrator: Romeo, unable to contain the jealousy to hear those words addressed to his beloved, breaks to shout. Count Paris: There is my beautiful beloved! There is the most beautiful rose in the whole garden of Verona! Enter Juliet with her mother, next to her cousin Teobald.

Count Paris: Hello Capulet, I came as you asked, I hope I arrived on time.

Capulet: Here is the Young Paris, the great Count Paris! Romeo and Mercury move away a little, to give way to the next paragraph. Count Paris(Sarcastic): Thousand apologies noble dancer, I was just passing.